A Legacy Service: Johnny Hein

Long-time Project C.U.R.E. Volunteer and Supporter

When Johnny Hein retired from an almost 40-year career as a transportation industry executive,  his daughter, Heidi, suggested that he look for a purposeful avenue of service. Actually, she  “volun-told” him that he should donate some time to Project C.U.R.E., where she working as the  Director of Communications. Johnny joyfully agreed to employ his business skills and expertise  to assist the Operations Department by gathering shipping rates needed to deliver large, 40-ft  containers of life-saving medical supplies and equipment to hospitals and medical facilities in  developing countries.  

Johnny’s kind heart and gentle spirit soon warmed everyone in the International Headquarters  Office and Denver Warehouse, and he had a significant impact on the team over many years of  service. He became a Friday volunteer staple and took special care to stop and visit with and  encourage each individual. He grew to deeply love both the work and the people and continued  to devote his Fridays to the Project C.U.R.E. mission for almost 20 years. 

Inspired by his Christian faith, and Christ’s call in Matthew 25 to serve “the least of these,” Johnny  was glorifying God and living a life of true significance. 

Beyond weekly volunteering, he attended numerous Project C.U.R.E. events and contributed  financially to many projects and campaigns. In February 2018, he partnered with friends to fund  the delivery of a C.U.R.E. Container of medical supplies and equipment to three recipient medical  facilities in the Ivory Coast in Africa. The results were tremendous as the much-needed medical  goods improved health, saved lives and encouraged hope in an area of great poverty and need.  

After working tirelessly to garner even more support and contributions, Johnny worked with  friends to form the ministry Redemption in Action International, which supported the delivery of a second C.U.R.E. container to the Ivory Coast in January 2020. A third container was the  delivered in November 2020. A fourth container has funding and is awaiting a new Needs  Assessment first to determine new recipient facilities. Redemption in Action is currently making  plans to build a rural medical clinic in the Ivory Coast, which they have decided to name in Johnny  Hein’s honor.  

Over his lifetime, Johnny contributed significantly in both time and treasure to his home church,  Southwest Community Church (formerly Southern Gables), leading the Pastoral Care team,  collecting and distributing prayer requests from members of the “Image Bearers” Sunday school  class, Panera bread distribution, visiting shut ins and elderly widows, and helping people  anywhere that there was a need.  

He supported countless missionaries, and many other international humanitarian endeavors and  ministries including: The Seed Company, Freshwater Project International, and International  Student Incorporated. He also devoted time to prison ministries, volunteered at The Children’s 

Hospital, led Community Bible Study (CBS) groups, and spent a lot of time with his beloved  grandchildren, Aiden and Ashley.  

His substantial contribution of love and service over his lifetime is an example of faithful devotion  to following God’s will and call. At Project C.U.R.E. and into eternity, Johnny Hein’s kind heart will  continue to be remembered and honored as a legacy of faith-in-action that we can all strive to  follow in our own lives.