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Johnny and Ricki Hein

RIA Vice-Chairs

Johnny began his 33 year railroad career at age 19 in Denver, and volunteered in Project CURE’s Headquarters in 2003, working in their Transportation Department. He also joined Church, where he worked on staff for 7 years. Ricki taught at various middle and high schools, directed many children’s theatre plays, and started a preschool, Bethel Christian School in Aurora, Colorado. SHe also taught consumer classes at various cooking school venues. She is very interested in growing my Christian faith through individual and personal Bible study classes, focusing on Biblical Prophecy, as it relates to our world today. Their firstborn, Jason passed away from epilepsy in 1994, when he was 21 years old. Fifteen years ago, their daughter, Heidi co-founded a non-profit organization, providing wells and clean water for over a million people in Malawi Africa. 

In July of 2016, they met Abraham at a Bible conference. He shared his dream of helping his native country economically and medically; and had a desire of starting a non-profit to fund it. They brought Abrahm to the Project CURE headquarters in Centennial, CO, and he was amazed at the vast amount of used medical equipment and supplies. They formed a bond to join Abraham in helping his country with their vast medical needs and assisted him in forming his non-profit, Redemption In Action (RIA).