RIA & Project C.U.R.E.

Testimony about Redemption In Action (RIA) from Denise Farrar:

I am currently the Administrative Director for Project C.U.R.E., which is a humanitarian relief organization based in Denver, Colorado. It is one of the largest nonprofit organizations in the world that delivers medical supplies and equipment to over 130 developing countries. Its main purpose is to collect and sort donated medical supplies and equipment from manufacturers, hospitals, and surpluses and then distribute the supplies and equipment to developing countries based on a needs assessment of the local hospitals and clinics in those countries.  I joined this nonprofit in 2014 and am responsible for donation, interns and volunteers in the International Headquarters.

My previous employment and volunteer experiences rang from working in various churches, para-church organization and corporate world like DishNetwork .  I have a compassionate heart and a God given desire to volunteer and help people who have not been as blessed as I have.  My life and work has provided me with many opportunities to encourage and assist others who are establishing and developing their own journeys in making this world a better place.

I was first introduced to Abraham Bah in July of 2016 when Johnny and Ricki Hein brought him into our office headquarters for a tour. He was very excited upon seeing our fifty thousand square foot warehouse completely full of used medical equipment and supplies. The procedure of sponsorship and funding was explained to him.  He shared his dream of finding a method to help his native country improve their woeful medical health care system.

On hearing of our sponsorship requirements, he shared his idea of forming his own nonprofit in order to shipping some of our life saving inventory his countrymen in the Ivory Coast. Johnny and Ricki readily agree to assist him in this effort, and this really was the birth of Redemption In Action!

I have been amazed at this quick progress that was made in bringing this idea forward! In barely 16 months, they not only established their nonprofit, but also began a funding campaign, and were able to ship our first forty- foot container valued at $250,000 in early 2018.  

I was delighted when they requested my prayers, suggestions and encouragement along the way.  I was so impressed with their progress that I have not only offered my backing, but have also donated financially as well. They have developed a Board of Directors, and also established it with a 501C3 nonprofit status with the U.S. Government.  Two more loads of medical supplies have been shipped to the Ivory Coast.  

In the past two years, teams of medical doctors, nurses and other volunteers have served hundreds of people with various health issues and diseases in rural villages.  In addition, they have another Clinic mission trip scheduled in early 2021. This very successful effort could serve as a model for other sponsors to follow, who have a strong desire in making a dramatic impact on changing health care systems in other developing countries!


Just the Beginning


Irving’s Story